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Always on Demand
The sales management simulation offered by Sim-u-sell is accessible on all platforms and devices.
Students can access the simulation at any time, 24/7, so it always fits within their schedule.

Develop Real-World Skills
The fun, team-based competitive sales management simulation environment develops in demand skills such as:
Critical thinking
Individual & team-based decision making.
Students leverage a data rich environment as they lead their startup's sales team to dominate the market.

Fully Featured & Data Rich
Preparing Students for Today's Business Environment
What experts have to say about Sim-u-sell
(Instructor testimonials)

Manage Your Sales Force
Make hiring, firing, and promotion decisions.
Set salary, commission, and bonus values for each salesperson.
Award recognition, assign training, and design sales contests to motivate your team.
Manage the individual personalities of your diverse salesforce.

Design Sales Territories
Decide where your team needs to be spending their time.
Create new sales territories to win new customers and protect your existing.
Compete against other student teams for more market share.

And So Much More!
Dive into all that the Sim-u-sell Sales Management Simulation has to offer.
Use advanced reporting and data analytics to study the market and competition as you lead your sales team.
Poach your competitors' top performing reps by hiring a head hunter.
Export data for analysis in your favorite analytical or data visualization tool.
Lead your team to victory!

Incredibly Easy Setup & Use

Exceptional Service & Support

Industry Leading Solution

Uniquely Interactive